"Grandma, read me a story," Nothing's better to hear. We love to cuddle with them in a chair and read them book after book. But did you know that reading aloud is good for your grandchildren at all ages?
1. Reading to preschool-age children can enlarge their vocabulary thus encouraging greater success when they start school.
2. Reading out load will also increase the child's attention span. This is a good skill to encourage in any child. So many children who are being diagnosed with ADD could just be children who were never encouraged to develop their attention span.
3. If you read to them, they will see reading as an enjoyable activity, and they will then read on their own as they get older. Attitude is everything! It creatives a positive image of reading, especially if he/she sees you reading on your own also. This can develop in the child a lifelong interest in reading.
4. Childen have a disconnect between their listening vocabulary and their reading one. They can often understand far more words than they can read. Reading to them helps to close that gap.
5. Teachers say that reading to children is the most important way to language development.
6. It also builds curiosity and memory.
7. Reading also enhances the child's creativity and imagination.
8. Reading different kinds of books as the child grows older (such as poetry, short stories, biographies) creates a more thorough background knowledge. This knowledge is an asset when the child starts school.
But reading is not just for the little ones, older children also benefit from this activity, even into their teens. If you think it would be hard to get the older children to sit down and listen, try tying it to something like a long road trip or clearing the table at night. When my children were in their teens, one person would read out loud and the others would clear the table. Look for these opportunities.
Suggested Reading List
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Graveyard Book
All Alone int the Universe
Ender's Game
The Hunger Games
The Maze Runner
Ronia: The Robber's Daughter
Number the Stars
A Wrinkle in Time
Island of the Blue Dolphin
Island of the Blue Dolpin
TEENS & SCHOOL AGE (possible pre-school)
The Chronicles of Narnia
Harry Potter series
Stuart Little
The Litlte Prince
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Giving Tree
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Half Magic
Good Night i-Pad
From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Franweiler
The Best Christmas Pageant Eve
The Polar Express
The Secret Garden
Little House on the Prairie
Peter Pan
Alices Adventures in Wonderland
Strawberry Girl
Please share any other books or ideas for encouraging out loud reading.
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