Monday, January 26, 2015

“Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Activities for the Kids When it Snows

As I sit here, Long Island is waiting for what they are calling an historic blizzard. Many of the schools are sending the kids home before the storm hits, and all have already closed tomorrow. If you have little ones to entertain for the next few days, here are some suggestions:

1. Of course there is the traditional snowman, but consider other animals. Little ones who can’t really handle a snowman may be able to make a caterpillar with small balls for the body, sticks for legs, and rocks or buttons for eyes.

2. Hollow out an orange, put birdseed inside and hang for the birds who are having a hard time finding food in the snow. The orange makes it easy for the kids to see the birds enjoy their food from the window.

3. Use the bubbles that are so popular in summer and see how they freeze outside in the cold.

4. Make snow graffiti. Tint water with food coloring and put in spray bottles or squirt bottles and let the kids make designs in the snow.

5. Draw a large circle in the snow and have the kids try to get their snowballs into the circle.

6. If the snow is happening over a few hours, have the child keep track of the amount of snow. Pick an area close to a door and take measurements in intervals. If the child can write, have them keep a snow journal. If not, write for them. This might be a good time for some math.

7. There are a variety of other things you can do with snowballs. Many times a snowball fight seems like a good idea, but often end in tears, so how about giving the kids a target, like a tree or shed.

8. Have the kids take photos of their neighborhood in the snow. If you can, have them upload them to the website of the local television station. They may see their name and photo on tv!

9. Finally, at most ages, they can “help” you shovel the snow.

Once you all have had your fill of the snow and cold, move inside.

1. If you are in charge of little girls, how about a spa day: manicures, pedicures, try different hairstyles.

2. Have an indoor picnic.

3. Cook…bake

4. Bring the snow inside. Fill the bathtub with snow (keep the drain open) and have the kids put on mitten and gloves and have fun.

5. Have a lot of magazines? Let the kids make collages.

6. This is a perfect time to make a snow globe. Check out these instructions from PBS.

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